An investigative comedian exploring the weirdest and wildest reaches of human knowledge. Creator and host of Adam Ruins Everything, now streaming on HBO Max!

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Introducing The G Word (and some Adam Ruins Everything news)

December 1, 2020

I’m very happy to finally be able to share this news: I’m creating a new comedy series for Netflix about the federal government. It’s called The G Word, and we’re producing it in collaboration with Higher Ground. We’ve been hard at work on the show for quite awhile, but there’s no release date yet; that being said, I’m incredibly excited for it and I can’t wait to share it with you.

As many have speculated, this does in fact mean that Adam Ruins Everything is over, and that our last season finale was also our series finale. I’m so proud of what we accomplished on ARE, but it was time to take on a new challenge and prove we could tell even bigger stories. I want to thank truTV for taking a chance on me, but more importantly, I want to thank our amazing team. Adam Ruins Everything is the show it is because hundreds of writers, researchers, directors, art directors, propmasters, editors, DPs, PAs, and more put their creative all into it. It was the privilege of my life to be carried atop their shoulders.

And one final bit of news: For those who have been asking when all of Adam Ruins Everything will finally be available on streaming, the answer is right now! As of today, all 65 episodes of ARE are streaming on HBO Max. This includes the mid-season “Re-Animated History” mini-series, and the epide I’m most proud of, our season finale. Feel free to binge the cold winter away in the light of unwanted knowledge!

Thank you to everyone who supported Adam Ruins Everything over the years; I’m so excited to take these next steps with you.

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